Friday, May 30, 2008

Something to restart the fire!

People of RBC! How are you guys doing so far?? =] Well, I can really sense that everyone is kind of feeling spiritually dry right now..Just a feeling..Ok, to start things off, I want to share a testimony =] It's kinda delayed but well, better late than never..

God is really super amazing lah. A few days before my triathlon at Bintan, my injury sustained due to the collision with the car had some swelling, and the pain got more intensed. It is really sucky lah..However, I still decided to go ahead with the triathlon considering the fact that I paid for everything already, don't want to waste money sia! So I went ahead with it. Reached Bintan on a Friday, and after that night's sleep, the next day, the swelling was better and kind of subsided. Secondly, at the start of the event, it rained heavily..but the moment I took to the seas, teh rain subsided and the rest of the race was dry, no rain. Just after the race, it started to rain again. Praise the Lord man! If there had been rain, the cycling leg would have been very dangerous, with numerous accidents! =]

Also, I wish to impress upon you all the importance of doing up a time-table for your mugging, and sticking to it! Sometimes mugging is like start a run, you have to really force yourself to do it, then once you are in it, you will find the momentum to carry on from there. So do take this advice from your senior and chiong towards the 'A's man! You can do it!! =]

Lastly, if ANY, ANY of you have ANY, ANY problems regarding spiritual dryness or problems with your mugging subjects or even schlorships/overseas uni applications, do look me up, I will do my utmost best to assist you! =] I understand how you all feel sometimes, thinking that there's no one out there that can help =]

God bless you guys loads and do keep the flame burning! =]


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