Friday, June 6, 2008

many loves from wherever I am!

surprise guys!
I'm now writing this in Ho Chih Minh cos I miss you all. Being away has given me a chance to take a break from everything, but at the same time it has helped me to realize the importance of being in a church community and also serving Him! More of that when I come back...

How are you all!!!!! Holidays now right? I hope everything has been good, that norm hasn't been bullying you all and vice versa, and that megacell has been proceeding well too. While I wish I could be back in church every Sunday, I'm still having the time of my life here. I can totally be a kampong girl la! Love how the kids plucked random leave aand asked me to eat it, and how we bathe with well water and can never feel really clean.

oh but on the 2nd week of the trip I fell ill with a fever and diarrhoea, and I think the highlight of the trip has been just that la - shit. More than two-thirds of my team got diarrhoea you know! One friend even had to go to the toilet more than 20x at the peak of her suffering. Thank God this backpacking trip it has been good so far, and my stomach hasn't been giving me much problems.

ok more on myself when I come back, but I wanna hear from you guys!!! The blog seems so dead :( I'll be leaving for Hoi An tomorrow and will probably only reach on Sunday morning (it's a 24hr bus ride hahaha), but don't know if can get internet there. So I'll check the blog again when I'm there or in Hanoi next week, and there'd better be something ar! haha. Take care you guys! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.