Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Recommended sermons on biblical manhood and womanhood

Hi guys,
As I told some of the guys over lunch on Sunday, I've been listening to some sermons by John Piper on what Biblical manhood and womanhood means, and it has really taught me a lot about the way God created gender and how He intended for it to be, until the Fall happened. Piper also talks about marriage, and it has really changed my perspective of it - marriage is not simply a man-made institution that our society has grown to loathe, but it is a metaphor for the way that Christ loves the church. Seen that way, it adds a lot more meaning to marriage than just the union of 2 people! This series is also particularly useful for the guys, as it talks about what a Godly guy should be and the kind of role that he has to play. But I also encourage the girls to listen to it cos it will help to shape your worldview about feminism too.

So anyway, here's the link to the series of sermons on Biblical manhood and womanhood. It's only about 35 mins per sermon, but full of wisdom and totally worth your time! Enjoy! :)


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