Friday, December 5, 2008

His grace is sufficient for me.

hello! just some things to share... =)took it from my blog la, thought it'll be encouraging. =)

one of my prayers is actually for God to prepare me for the WANTED camp, as i don't wanna be a stumbling block to the kids, and want them to grow as much as possible during the camp. i know it's not by my own efforts but looking at my stifling spiritual walk i wasnt at all fit to be a leader to them.

and He answered, and this is in accordance to my other prayer of Him not letting me go. ahhh God You are in indeed faithful. it started with the talk i had with my best friend at the bus-stop, and i knew i had to stop being freaking lazy and do sth. but i was still kinda holding back, but yet trying to force out the words, "i will do it".

then came the leaders' training, esp during yan da's sharing on how to facilitate, my attacks of doubt as to whether i'm saved came back. so at that point, if you were to talk to me about God or about the cross or wad ill feel really uneasy. but i looked at the sky and the sees and the swaying palm trees, in my heart i knew God was there somehow but i was still troubled.

then it came to us playing some game and 2 girls from my group got picked to try to facilitate. yupp, and i rmbr this line "the game is about communication, when we face doubts we mist communicate with God...." that's it, lol i prayed and i felt much more peace.

den it came to the night message, alvin was speaking, and i was still a little apprehensive. and i dunno through it all, through alvin's, kenny's sharing and the worship, God sorta revealed sth to me, mebbe it was a still small voice. Amanda, you've been relying on your own strength to believe in Me. and i found it so true! and another voice goes this is the easy way out and im trying to deceive myself, but no, i believe that it was from God, if not i had asked Him to show me otherwise le. lol.

yupp. our righteousness comes from Christ, our own is just like filthy rags. and we cannot rely on ourselves for much, must rely on God. i kept asking myself do i believe enough to get saved, it's not whether i believe enough that will save me.. it is the grace of the Sovereign loving God who set the stars in their place, who made leaves with photosynthetic abilities and the entire ecosystem which was perfectly going to last until man screwed it up... yupp, that great God, who, yet being so great still chose to die for all of us. see if you wanna accept that or not. that's all. i accept and im gonna meet with Him one day in heaven! =)

ystd i met with mrs cheng to have dinner and we talked abt alot of things, she gave me alot of direction in alot of areas, for qt, for uni... lol. i'm not gg to sign up for usp le. i thank God for her. haha. and she shared with me a passage Ephesians 6:10 i think. about the amour of God. we need not fight. we just needed to STAND our ground. and the 1st verse of the passage alrdy says we rely on God's strength, not our own. we just need to stand for the victory has already been won through Christ.

-manda =)

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